Born Social available on GitHub

A long, long time ago I wrote about a project to deliver small building blocks to deliver features from the IBM Connections in XPages application. The posting can be found here: .

Here and then I was asked to share the project or asked about the progress but since I rarely work with the Connections  platform anymore I thought it could be helpful to upload the Born Social project on GitHub so people can make use of it if they like to.

Unfortunately in the meantime I did no hear or read so much about integration between Connections and IBM Domino so I am not sure if this is a (hot) topic anymore. My initial thought with the project was that it would be ‘cool’ to utilize data in Connections in XPages applications.

I also wrote a small document that helps you to get the application up and running and explains how to use the re-usable custom controls.

The project is available here on GitHub.

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