Born Social available on GitHub

A long, long time ago I wrote about a project to deliver small building blocks to deliver features from the IBM Connections in XPages application. The posting can be found here: .

Here and then I was asked to share the project or asked about the progress but since I rarely work with the Connections  platform anymore I thought it could be helpful to upload the Born Social project on GitHub so people can make use of it if they like to.

Unfortunately in the meantime I did no hear or read so much about integration between Connections and IBM Domino so I am not sure if this is a (hot) topic anymore. My initial thought with the project was that it would be ‘cool’ to utilize data in Connections in XPages applications.

I also wrote a small document that helps you to get the application up and running and explains how to use the re-usable custom controls.

The project is available here on GitHub.

Born social – Create a Social Notes application from scratch


A long time ago (it seems) I had the idea to prepare integration of Connections with Xpages development via the SBTSDK. I thought this would be a good way to learn Connections and it’s API more in details. By setting up custom controls you would be able to build mash-up apps piece by piece.

However there seemed to be little interest for this in the market (correct me if I am wrong) so I continued with other technologies.

Lately Mark Roden posted a couple of posts on his blog regarding the social business toolkit so I hop on to this and post my previous work. Hopefully it can help someone getting started.


Born Social – the doc

The document Born Social describes how to setup your server, development environment and application to get started developing with the SBTSDK.

It also provide code samples of custom controls to display information from IBM Connections.

born social

Previous Posts on SBT SDK

Perhaps it helps to read some previous posts I wrote on the SBT SDK.

Born Social – the app

The following file contains an NSF file with all the code, custom controls and some sample xpages.

born social app


I hope the provided samples and guidance will help you to get started with the SBT SDK.

At IBMConnect at the IBM developers booth I asked what the upcoming plans where for SBT SDK and if we could get more controls for XPages but the answer was that IBM had received very few questions for application development with Connections :-/

Perhaps if more people debunk this mind-set at IBM, perhaps by sharing their samples, interest will grow.

(extended) Managed Bean for SBT SDK

In a previous post I mentioned my blogpost ‘Developing social applications with the Social Business Toolkit SDK‘. In the post I defined a managed bean to connect to the Files service  and return data via the getMyFiles method. In this post I will extend that bean to access other services in IBM Connections:

  • Activity Stream
  • Blogs
  • Bookmarks
  • Communities
  • Files
  • Forums
  • Profiles

Later I will refine the ServiceBean object with new methods derived from the ones available in the SBT SDK. I shall also provide UI examples (custom controls) to present the information from the services.


For now I have come so far:

package com.quintessens.bornsocial.sbt;



public class ServiceBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public ActivityStreamEntityList getAllStatusUpdates() {
ActivityStreamService service = new ActivityStreamService();
try {
return service.getAllUpdates();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public ActivityStreamEntityList getMyStatusUpdates() {
ActivityStreamService service = new ActivityStreamService();
try {
return service.getMyStatusUpdates();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public ActivityStreamEntityList getMyNetworkStatusUpdates() {
ActivityStreamService service = new ActivityStreamService();
try {
return service.getStatusUpdatesFromMyNetwork();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public ActivityStreamEntityList getMyNetworkUpdates() {
ActivityStreamService service = new ActivityStreamService();
try {
return service.getUpdatesFromMyNetwork();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public ActivityStreamEntityList getUpdatesIFollow() {
ActivityStreamService service = new ActivityStreamService();
try {
return service.getUpdatesFromPeopleIFollow();
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public FileList getMyFiles() {
FileService service = new FileService();
try {
return service.getMyFiles();
} catch (FileServiceException e) {
return null;

public ProfileList getMyColleagues() {
ProfileService service = new ProfileService();
try {
Profile profile = service.getMyProfile();
ProfileList profiles = service.getColleagues(profile.getUserid());
return profiles;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public Profile getMyProfile() {
ProfileService service = new ProfileService();
try {
Profile profile = service.getMyProfile();
return profile;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public BlogList getAllBlogs() {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
try {
BlogList entries = service.getAllBlogs();
return entries;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public BlogList getMyBlogs() {
BlogService service = new BlogService();
try {
BlogList entries = service.getMyBlogs();
return entries;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public BookmarkList getAllBookmarks() {
BookmarkService svc = new BookmarkService();
try {
BookmarkList bookmarks = svc.getAllBookmarks();
return bookmarks;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public BookmarkList getPopularBookmarks() {
BookmarkService svc = new BookmarkService();
try {
BookmarkList bookmarks = svc.getPopularBookmarks();
return bookmarks;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public BookmarkList getMyBookmarks() {
BookmarkService svc = new BookmarkService();
try {
BookmarkList bookmarks = svc.getMyNotifications();
return bookmarks;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public CommunityList getAllCommunities() {
CommunityService svc = new CommunityService();
try {
CommunityList comms = svc.getPublicCommunities();
return comms;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public CommunityList getMyCommunities() {
CommunityService svc = new CommunityService();
try {
CommunityList comms = svc.getMyCommunities();
return comms;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public ForumList getMyForums() {
ForumService svc = new ForumService();
try {
ForumList forums = svc.getMyForums();
return forums;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;

public TopicList getMyForumsTopics() {
ForumService svc = new ForumService();
try {
TopicList forums = svc.getMyForumTopics();
return forums;
} catch (Throwable e) {
return null;


My communities sample

Below you see an example of a widget showing the communities I am member of:


The code for the custom control is as followed:

<?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”UTF-8″?>

titleBarText=”My communities”>
xp:key=”header” />
title=”Open community…” />
xp:key=”header” />
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:var d = comm.getContributor().getName();
return d;
dateStyle=”short” />
xp:key=”header” />
value=”#{javascript:comm.getCommunityType() }”>
integerOnly=”true” />
layout=”Previous Group Next”
for=”dataTable1″ />

Some thoughts

The presentation of the data from the services in Connections may vary for each type of information. Some information is more suitable to present in a tabular format, others e.g. in a Data View control. Also at this moment I am not fully aware about the available methods for each service and what data they may provide. Here the trial and error method I will simply apply, or provide multiple UI’s for the same type of information.

Time to publish this blog so I can continue with the presentation layer…

Developing social applications with the Social Business Toolkit SDK

Last week I have posted a blog item on the company blog, which you can read here. In this post I take you through the first steps how to enable a IBM Notes application to integrate with IBM Connections via the Social Business Toolkit SDK using XPages.

Learning Connections

I have the idea to build a set of custom controls which would allow you to quickly create mash-up applications to interact with IBM Connections and include them back in Connections or run them as stand alone apps. This approach allows me also to take a look at the services within IBM Connections. Once ready I will make my code available somewhere.


I found a great deal of inspiration in the following apps:

If you happen to know more application examples / code to integrate with IBM Connections please drop a link.




Developing social applications with the Social Business Toolkit SDK


The Social Business Toolkit SDK (SBT SDK) is a set of libraries and code samples that you use for connecting to the IBM Social Platform. As a developer you can choose which web development skills fits you best: Java, (client side) JavaScript or XPages. Your social platform may reside in the cloud or on premise.

In this post I will give you guidelines and practical examples to get you started. I choose XPages as development environment.


In the document terms are thoroughly used:

Term Description
SBT Social Business Toolkit
SDK Software Development Kit
DDE Domino Designer on Eclipse
XPages XPages is a rapid web and mobile application development technology
OpenNTF Open Source Community for (IBM) Collaboration Solutions
OAuth Open standard for authorization
Managed Bean Java Beans representing system objects and resources
Endpoint Encapsulates the access to a service provider, like Connections or Sametime

Installation of the SDK


Before you can start with development in Domino Designer on Eclipse you need to install the SBT SDK. It can be downloaded from the following address: The files you need to work with the SBT SDK and Domino are located in folder ‘redist\domino’ in the downloaded ZIP file.

Extension Library

Another condition to be able to run the Social SDK within your XPages you need to have installed the Extension Library, available on OpenNTF: You need to have the library installed on both Domino server and DDE.

Installation for Domino Server

You can find a set of instructions how to install the SBT SDK on an IBM Domino server on the address: I recommend the installation via an Eclipse Update site. As a result your Update site should display the following plugins:



Installation for DDE

The Domino Designer deployment of the IBM Social SDK can use the same imported update site from the Update Site NSF. On Domino Designer verify that the checkbox for “Enable Eclipse plugin install” is checked in the Domino Designer preferences. You can find a set of instructions how to install the SBT SDK on DDE on the same address:

Setting up a Notes application

Create a new Notes application from scratch. I called mine ‘bornsocial.nsf’. Open the Xsp Properties file in DDE. Include the following libraries:





The Social Business Toolkit leverages a credential store for single sign on. For OAuth for example the user tokens are stored in this repository so that users don’t have to authenticate and grant access to services like IBM Connections for every session. The OAuth application tokens are also stored in this repository so that all tokens can be managed in one central place. You can read more on the credential store here: And it is also explained in the following video:

In basic: the implementation of the credential store is performed by the use of a managed bean. The usage of this credential store is then defined in an endpoint. An endpoint encapsulates the access to a service provider, like Connections or SameTime.

In the Package Explorer open the faces-config.xml file:



Add the following lines:

<!– Token Store memory implementation –>

<!– Password Store memory implementation –>


In the first example(s) we are only going to demonstrate to connect to IBM Connections. Add the following lines:


For value of managed property ‘url’ you must enter the address of your connections installation or in case you are using IBM Greenhouse for demonstration purposes you can choose ‘’.

Login page

A custom login page will presented when a user initially tries to connect to IBM Connections:



The elements for the login page are in the XPagesSBT.nsf application which comes with the SBT SDK. The nsf is located in folder redist\domino. The login page consists of the following design elements:

Name Type
_BasicLogin.xsp XPage
sbtLoginPage Custom Control
sbtLoginPanel Custom Control

You can simply copy the design elements from the sample application in your application and modify them e.g. for branding.

Connecting to Connections

Your application is now ready to connect to Connections. Where you place the code to connect to Connections is up to you. A recommended approach could be to establish connections via Managed Beans.A managed bean is nothing more fancy than a registered a JAVA object.

Managed Bean

In our first example we are going to read the content under My Files in Connections. These are the files that you have uploaded and shared.

  1. Create a new Java design element (Java Class).
  2. Enter the following code:

package com.quintessens.bornsocial.sbt;

public class ServiceBean implements Serializable{
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

public FileList getMyFiles() {
FileService service = new FileService();
try {
return service.getMyFiles();
} catch (FileServiceException e){
return null;

Code explanation

The function getMyFiles gets handle to the FileService object. Then the getMyFiles function is called to get all the files (both private and shared) the user has uploaded in Connections. Then a FileList object is returned to the caller.

The FileList object can then be used in a suitable XPage control e.g. the DataTable or the DataView control.


In order to access the Managed Bean you have to register it. This is done in the faces-config.xml file. Open the file and add the following lines:


You will access the bean via its name ServiceBean.


Finally we have come to a point where we can display the files that the managed bean returns from IBM Connections. I have choosen the XPages environment to do so.

Custom Controls

A best practice in XPages development is to divide functionality in individual blocks known as Custom Controls. This make it easier to re-use the functionality across your application.

Custom Control for a ‘My Files’ overview

  • Create a new Custom Control design element.
  • Add the following code to the control:

<xe:widgetContainer id=”widgetContainer1″ itleBarText=”#{javascript:return compositeData.widgetTitle;}”>
<xe:dataView id=”dataView1″ var=”file” rows=”5″ columnTitles=”true” styleClass=”filesDataView”>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnTitle=”Filetype”></xe:viewExtraColumn>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnTitle=”Created”></xe:viewExtraColumn>
<xe:viewExtraColumn columnTitle=”Size”></xe:viewExtraColumn>

<xe:viewSummaryColumn columnTitle=”Filename”></xe:viewSummaryColumn>
<xp:panel xp:key=”noRows” id=”topicsPanel2″>
<xp:div styleClass=”lotusWidgetBody”>
<![CDATA[#{javascript:return (viewScope.myFilesAvailable ? “No files found.” : “My Files unavailable.”);}]]>
<xp:panel id=”summaryPanel” xp:key=”summary” style=”width:50%;white-space:nowrap;”>
<h4><xp:link styleClass=”dataViewLink” escape=”true” id=”link7″ target=”_blank” text=”#{javascript:return file.getTitle();}”>
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return file.getContentUrl();}]]></xp:this.value>
<xp:panel id=”typePanel” xp:key=”extra0″ style=”width: 20%;white-space:nowrap;”>
<![CDATA[#{javascript:return file.getType();}]]>
<xp:panel id=”sizePanel” xp:key=”extra2″ style=”width: 15%;white-space:nowrap;”>
<![CDATA[#{javascript:var size = file.getSize();
var kilobyte = 1024;
var megabyte = kilobyte *1024;
if(size < kilobyte) {
return (size + ” B”);
}else if(size < megabyte) {
return (Math.round(size/kilobyte) + ” KB”);
}else {
return (Math.round(size/megabyte) + ” MB”);
<xp:panel id=”panel1″ xp:key=”extra1″ style=”width: 15%;white-space:nowrap;”>
<xp:text escape=”true” id=”computedField3″ value=”#{javascript:file.getCreated()}”></xp:text>

As a result the files in IBM Connections for the authenticated user will be listed e.g.:



Code explanation

The DataView control is using the getMyFiles function from Managed Bean ServiceBean for data binding:


<xe:dataView id=”dataView1″ var=”file” rows=”5″ columnTitles=”true” styleClass=”filesDataView”>


It iterates through the returned FileList object and for each column values from each entry in the ‘file’ collection the value is computed e.g.:

<xp:panel id=”summaryPanel” xp:key=”summary” style=”width:50%;white-space:nowrap;”>
<h4><xp:link styleClass=”dataViewLink” escape=”true” id=”link7″ target=”_blank” text=”#{javascript:return file.getTitle();}”>
<xp:this.value><![CDATA[#{javascript:return file.getContentUrl();}]]></xp:this.value>

API Explorer

Use the SBT API Explorer which method each object provides:




As you have seen getting started with the Social Business Toolkit is not that difficult for XPages developers. As alternative you could also choose JavaScript or JAVA if those skills fit you better. The SDK will help you understanding Connections piece by piece from a developer perspective.

In the example information is read from Connections but you can also post data. The SDK allows you to create great ‘social enabled’ applications. This can be applications that solely work with Connections or integrate with other platforms e.g. IBM Notes.

I hope to write more on the Social Business Toolkit in another post. Thank you for reading.

Patrick Kwinten


Social Connections VII – Stockholm

Social Connections VII will be held in the stunning city of Stockholm in Sweden on Thursday 13th and Friday 14th November, 2014. Since I work for Infoware, a company who will be sponsoring the event in order to promote their IBM Connections management tool called Domain Patrol Social I would like to highlight this event on my blog.

From previous events (Amsterdam) I can only recommend this event to those working with IBM Connections, integration with other platforms (e.g IBM Notes) and social collaboration in general. Of course Stockholm is marvelous city to explore (but maybe not so god in November…).

I hope to see you there!

Icon UK (retrospect)

On the Friday 12th of September 2014, I attended the Icon UK in the IBM Southbank Customer Centre, London. This review is a bit late since the attendance was part of my vacation.

Achieving Developer Nirvana With Codename BlueMix

BlueMix is a platform for composing and running virtually any application in the cloud without having to worry about the hardware, software, and networking needed to do so. This means that developers can be left to do what they do best….CODE! By eliminating the need to deal with the infrastructure typically required to deploy an app to the cloud, and providing a catalog packed with services from IBM and its partners, BlueMix allows developers to get their apps in the hands of their users with the lightening speed, quality and innovation their users demand. It doesn’t matter if your next app is targeting web, mobile, or the internet of things, you too can achieve developer nirvana with BlueMix, and it all starts by attending this session!

Ryan Baxter explained and demoed Bluemix. Earlier I have watched some demo’s on YouTube (link 1, link 2, link 3) but a demo with some interaction with the crowd is always nicer.

The question ‘what is in it for me as a Notes specialist?’ was partly answered by Ryan. If I understood it correctly IBM is investigating the options how to integrate Notes with Bluemix. More information on this topic you can start to surface on Mark Roden’s post.

I was not able to attend the Bluemix hands-on workshop. I wonder if that material is still available somewhere?

The Unofficial FAQ for Connections Integration Development.

Developing Connections Plug-ins and applications is full of “What the??” moments, from what browser technologies and versions are supported through to common functions working in different ways in different parts of Connections, any of these can put a real dent in your delivery date but most are easy to cure and avoid with a little bit of hindsight and knowledge, here is that knowledge for you to take home and help you deliver on time.

Mark Myers talked about his experiences on developing and customizing IBM Connections. Shortly summarized: expect surprises.

The lazy administrator, how to make your life easier by using TDI to automate your work

IBM Connections can be the data source or the data destination for many other applications. In this session we will show you how you can use TDI to automate tasks like wiki page creation, maintain Community membership through a Domino application or how to use Profile data for Sametime Business Cards. Come and see how you can reuse data without any headache and how your Admin life gets easier by using TDI scripts.

Klaus Bild talked and demoed how you can use Tivoli Directory Integrator to automate tasks in IBM Connections. A video where Klaus demonstrates the usage of a Notes database to create the data for the assembly line for TDI you can find here.

It was nice to see IBM Notes can play a role in supporting IBM Connections.

Escaping the Yellow Bubble: experiences with rewriting a Domino app using AngularJS and MongoDB

If you haven’t lived under a rock, you probably noticed a huge trend in web application development: client side JavaScript frameworks to build your apps with, using REST APIs to connect to data stores. You probably also noticed that MongoDB, a NoSQL database, has been getting a lot of attention lately. Both technologies are adopted by more developers and companies every day. For a recent project we wondered what it would take to rewrite a well known standard Domino application using the MEAN stack: a combination of MongoDB (NoSQL database), Express (a NodeJS application server), AngularJS (a client side Javascript MVC framework) and NodeJS (JavaScript server). In this session I’ll share my experiences with that process and provide you with practical tips from a long term Domino developer’s perspective. As you might know, I got a lot of love for Domino and XPages, so this won’t be about bashing those. It’s all about keeping your eyes open for what’s happening outside the bubble.

Mark Leusink talked about alternative techniques for Notes and XPages. Although the technical alternatives are there I didn’t really get the impression they compete with a strength of Notes: RAPID APPLICATION DEVELOPMENT.

IBM’s Social Business Transformation

IBM’s leadership in social business software grew from internal roots – the adoption of collaborative technologies and practices inside the organization. In this session, Ed Brill – VP IBM Social Business Transformation – will describe how IBM has adopted a culture of participation, and the practical business benefits from becoming a social business.

Biggest news from Icon UK: Ed Brill is back at ICS? Probably one of the smallest audiences Ed Brill presented in front of, but it was great to hear ‘social’ is still in his veins. Probably the hardest part of social transformation is getting people participating. It is understandable that people are reserved in ‘dare to share’ when business future is under movement.

From XPages Hero to OSGi Guru: Taking the Scary out of Building Extension Libraries

You’ve built up standard controls, resources and SSJS/Java libraries you use in your applications. Surely there’s a better way than copying and pasting from NSF to NSF? We’ll show you best practices for setting up a development environment, how to build your code into an OSGi plugin, demystify the XSP Starter Kit, and show how to test, debug and deploy your plugin efficiently.

Paul Withers talked and demoed how to create an OSGi plugin. I am not sure if I followed it all the way.

Thank you

Icon UK had a pleasant atmosphere. Besides the presentations it was nice to meet people who share the same interests. I would like to thank especially Martin MeijerKnut Herrmann and Vanessa Hutchinson. Hope to CU at another event 🙂


On youtube Ryan Baxter demonstrates how to use Domino Data in Bluemix apps: