Presentation JUMP Session: IBM Domino Applications on Cloud


IBM Domino Applications on Cloud is a subscription service that offers IBM hosted solution for Domino Apps over IBM Bluemix Cloud. The service offers a structured and planned migration process, avoiding business disruptions.

In this session you will be introduced to the offering, how it is structured and works including the pre-requisites, configurations and start-up options.

The video recording can be found here.

Feeds highlights (video)

I noticed that I had a enormous backlog in my feedreader (feedly) starting from around September (pre IconUK). Allthough the amount of blogposts in the Yellow Bubble is declining (fast) I just did not have the time to keep up with it untill now.

I thought it would be a great idea to consume the feeds in a different matter so the idea came up to take a weekly ‘snapshot’ and mention some of this weeks most interesting posts. The result is a short video which is easy to consume. Probably a demo or two of the highlights would have made things much more clear, but hey I am not Niklas Heidloff nor do I reside in some form of organ of an open source community.

I apologize for the bad quality since I used the internal microphone of my PC and there are constructions taking place in the street I live. At least I am rid off the many unread blog/news items 🙂

I made it to NotesIn9

I remember a phrase in a song from an old punk band:

If you want to have a scene

then you have to create a scene

So after some dark words from David Leedy I created a video about using some tooling to tackle the problem with using Font-Awesome in XPages. These tools (Node, Bower, Grunt) you could also use in other situations. Another use-case could be the AMD loading conflict with Dojo.

So I would like to thank David Leedy for granting me the opportunity to talk technical outside the Yellow Bubble. I also thank Oliver Busse, who did a great job in his first time appearance as host.

My video you can watch via this link.

Demo of the Single Page Application Wizard control

You can bring a IBM Notes application without much work to the web browser via the Notes Browser plugin. But since Mobile is the standard nowadays that plugin seems to be obsolete almost. So what other options do you have for your enterprise apps?

  • You can introduce a mobile application platform, if you have the time and the money.
  • You can migrate your whole collaboration platform in exchange for something less, similar or not similar at all. And prey for mobile tools on that platform.
  • You can rewrite your apps and deliver them with the help of frameworks as mobile web application or in between solution.

Or… you save yourself the time & bucks and install the Extension Library version that contains the Single Page Application wizard from OpenNTF.

I have made a video in which I demonstrate how to mobilize the fakenames application in a couple of minutes. First I will describe the wizard and how the process for mobilizing an app looks like. Then I demonstrate the actual development which will take about 8 1/2 minutes.

Update – watch on Vimeo

Video on Vimeo: in case you experience the message ‘This video is not available in your country’.


Enjoy the video!

In case you want to contact me on mobilizing your Notes app, just send me an email.


Lotuscript to Java Beans

It seems that video tutorials / webinars have become the standard in education. Probably because video seems to be considered as one of the most trustworthy source of information. The less positive effect of video tutorials is that they (still) take time.

During a trip lately I was able to watch the excellent Lotuscript to Java Beans webinar, presented by Tim Tripcony.

Below you find screenshots of moments I thought were most interesting:









Go watch that show if you have not already!

Job Wanted

Looking for a creative brain? Choose me!


!NO! more struggle with XPages as RSS source and JWPlayer

I am working on embedding JWPlayer in a Domino app and I want to use an XPages to generate an RSS feed for a playlist. Via this way I can apply some ‘intelligence’ and direct which related items the playlist should contain. How the code should look like you can see here.

The problem I am facing at the moment is that JWPlayer has problems using a source that is based other that the xml extension.

Task Queue failed at step 5: Playlist could not be loaded: XML could not be parsed or playlist was empty

Whenever I save the .xsp results as an .xml file and add it to the application as a file resource and call it the player works fine.

In traditional Domino development it is possible to call an agent e.g. rss.xml but XPages does not allow it, it can only contain numbers, letters, underscore and hyphen.

  • Do you see any options using XPages or am i thrown back to writing an agent?

Update: problem solved as you can see in the image below.

JWPlayer – Anyone solved how to generate the player embed codes on a Domino server?

I have come quiet far with my XPagified version of OpenTV. I am using the JWPlayer which work excellent. Right now I am looking for a way to generate player embed codes so you can link from other websites to the application. This feature can be pretty vital for good re usage of the app.

However the integration example is based upon PHP.

So I am wondering if someone has already taken a look at this before and is willing to share a solution for the Domino server?

Some screens:

Embedding Flash movies in an XPage

I am currently working on an application to distribute movies across the organisation. Something similar as OpenTV on OpenNTF, but then 99% based upon XPages technology.

The movies I have are curently all in FLV (Flash Video) format which is fine for me.

I have taken a look at HTML5 and video, but we still have many Internet Explorer 7 installations which does not seem to run with HTML5 media Libraries that contain fallback scenarios :-/

Therefor I believe I am stucked for now with an Flash Video based solution.

Since I have no experience at this point with integrating Flash in XPages I wonder if you have any recommendations or sample code?

OpenTV seems to be using a JS Library called Swfobject which seems to do the job just fine…